We find ourselves having to adapt the way we do things in these uncertain times. These are the public safety directives of the Kahnawake 911 Task Force that MUST be followed.
Sanitizers are beside each door. You MUST sanitize your hands upon entry
Sit where there is a
Refrain from touching or handling objects to anyone
If you are showing symptoms, please kindly leave
Washrooms are for
One person will do all 5 readings for the day's Mass:
- First Reading
- Psalm
- Second Reading
- Gospel Acclamation
- The Prayers of the Faithfull / Intentions
Father Michel will say "Body of Christ'' once on the altar. everyone will respond "Amen"
Father Michel will come down to distribute Communion to each seat. If you wish to receive, please remain standing. If not, please be seated
Communion will be distributed ONLY in your hand
BULLETINS: Please take your bulletin out with you
MISSALS: Please bring the Sunday Missals to the back and place them in a neat pile. (If you are more comfortable having your own to keep with you, they can be purchased at the gift shop for $6.00)
COLLECTION: Since there is no collection, you are kindly asked to place your contributions in the container at the back of the Church labelled "COLLECTION". Please keep in mind that we've been away approximately 15 weeks. Please be as generous as you can as bills still need to be paid. Thank you in advance.
SEATS: The seats that have been used will be washed down after everyone leaves. Please place the
CANDLES: Please use a NEW stick from the container on the table in front of Saint Kateri's tomb. Light your candle and put your stick in the sand. No need to write your intentions, Saint Kateri, Saint Joseph and God know what's in your heart. Light your candle and leave. Keep in mind physical distancing.
EXIT: If you wish to speak to Father, please remain in your seat until everyone has exited, THEN proceed to the Sacristy.
Side aisles will go first - back to the front - maintaining physical distancing. AFTER the side aisles have exited, the middle aisle will exit - back to front - maintaining physical distancing.