Our congregation has been in shock since the allegations were
submitted to us. Many members of the
congregation have a difficult time believing the allegations because they are
so contradictory to how we experienced Father Lajoie.
We forwarded the complaints immediately to the Bishop responsible
for the diocese; as we firmly believed those making the allegations and those
accused deserved due process. Further
we do not condone, and we condemn any and all abuses made against children and
believe those responsible should be held accountable.
We are satisfied the investigation is going forward. We will cooperate with the investigation
providing access to investigators to church documentation and premises as
needed. We are asking people to
cooperate with the investigation and seek services for support during this time
if you need it.
It is our hope and expectation that the results of the
investigation will be shared with the community once it is completed.
We are asking the community to keep an open mind, be
respectful of one and other and keep the peace.
We are thankful for all the support the community members and leadership
have shown to us, while we make this painful journey together.
Letter to His Holiness, Pope Francis
July 12, 2021
Discovering of the unmarked tombs of children in Residential Schools