Message de Père Vinh Michael Nguyen
15 septembre 2024
« Mais qui dites-vous que je suis ? »
Après avoir fait un sondage pour vérifier qui les gens pensaient qu’il était, Jésus demanda à ses disciples : « Et vous, qui dites-vous que je suis ? » Comme d’habitude, Pierre lui répondit rapidement : « Seigneur, tu es le Christ. » Avec la confession de Pierre, Jésus a révélé pour la première fois à ses diciples le chemin qu’il allait affronter, qui était le chemin de la souffrance, de la crucifixion et de la résurrection pour racheter les péchés de tous les hommes. Il a fait allusion à ce chemin à ses disciples pour les inviter, ou ceux qui voulaient le suivre, à marcher sur ce chemin.
Today, we are living in a civilized society, progressive in every aspect, but sadly, people's faith in God has decreased a lot. Many people no longer believe, no longer welcome God and Jesus into their lives. Of course, Jesus is not sad with them, does not question them, but he questions us with a familiar question: "And you, who do you say that I am?" If we still proclaim him as "Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages" (Credo), and still follow him and cling to his merciful and compassionate arms, he will still guide our lives, he will continue to invite us to walk on his way of the cross to reach glory with him.
So, each of us, as children of God, should profess our faith in Christ, the Son of the living God, and live the path that he wants us to follow, which is the path of the cross, but at the end of that path is happiness, the boundless meaning of life that awaits us. May each of us strive to make each other listen to the voice of Jesus in their minds, in their lives, and introduce the image of “Who is Jesus” to everywhere around us. May God bless us and give us more faith.