Jesus' Commandment of Love
According to human nature, whoever does us a favor, we should repay them; whoever hates us, we should hate back; whoever insults us, we should insult them back. If considering the law of justice in society, whoever commits a crime must be judged and sentenced according to their criminal behavior. However, the Word of God of the 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year C, has given a way of behaving contrary to those arguments. In it, Jesus taught us to love our enemies, do good to those who hate us, bless those who curse us, and pray for those who slander us.
Indeed, the teachings of Jesus above are not only difficult for people to accept, but also not easy for us to practice in our daily lives. How can we love our enemies, or those who harm us? More specifically, in a world immersed in selfishness, competition, conflict, hatred and division, how can we have a heart big enough to love and embrace everyone in our hearts? Of course, Jesus knows that, so he tells us, if we love those who love us, it is too easy. Everyone can do that. But as children of God, who is the source of unconditional self-giving love, he needs us to open our hearts widely to love even those who hate us, to open our hearts to forgive all those who have wronged us, not to criticize and not to condemn anyone, and to be willing to suffer losses to help others improve themselves.
To live this message of Jesus, we ask him to give us humility so as not to be arrogant, and a wonderful tolerance so as to forgive the faults of others, and a big heart so as to love everyone, that through our way of life, God will give peace and unity to our humanity.
Lord Jesus, on the cross, you gave us the example of forgiving those who killed you. Please strengthen your love in our hearts, so that each day, we may walk firmly on the path of your love to the end. Sanctify the love in us, so that we may love everyone as you love them. Amen.
POPE’S PRAYER INTENTION IN FEBRUARY 2025: For vocation to the priesthood and religious life
Let us pray that the ecclesial community welcome the desires and doubts of those young people who feel a call to serve Christ’s mission in the priesthood and religious life.